
“Beautyrobic should be prescribed by doctors for each woman” – said one of our guests, who is a psychologist by the way and has sent several of her patients to us.

Oh, and she’s not the only one psychologist who recommends Beautyrobic to her patients. Let us introduce you our Beautyrobic psychologist, called Michaela Nistor (see her photo above). She got on board was by starting to be a guest and seeing and experiencing it for herself how much Beautyrobic gives women not only physically but also spiritually!

Because a woman is much more and more complex than just sexy bottom and a flat stomach. We know that it is not enough to just develop those to have fun in your skin!

Beautyrobic helps us to confidently accept, love, praise our body. By doing this, our relationship with our own body also changes. As we learn to accept ourselves and our bodies (whatever they may be like), we are greatly helping initiating external, internal change and achieving the desired shape. Another positive effect of Beautyrobic is that it helps strengthen women’s self-confidence.

Why is the way you see yourself when you look in the mirror important?

It really does matter, whether you see yourself as Miss Nobody or a real Diva. No matter how you feel about yourself, your body, a stranger will immediately perceive it. Because you project this inner image of yourself outward, that is, how you “carry yourself”. I think Beautyrobic can make a big difference in this area too. A woman who has learned to “carry herself” and is aware of what message she conveys non-verbally can be very attractive to everyone.

I think Beautyrobic’s success also lies in the fact that while we go through really, sexy, sensual practices and discover the goddess that lives within us – meaning our own femininity – in the long run it radiates with a strong self-confidence that can be very appealing to the environment. This self-confidence and self-esteem will surely be picked up on very quickly by the other sex, because there is nothing more beautiful, than a woman with healthy self-confidence.